Launch of School CD

Category : Blog

The countdown is on for the launch of our Holy Family Senior School CD appropriately named, “Tomorrow’s A New Day.”

The big event takes place on Friday March 6th in the Nano Nagle hall on the Holy Family Campus at 7.30pm.

Background Information

Back in term one, we chose songs with a positive message in an effort to promote positive mental health.

All classes and the staff took part in the project and began practicing their songs under the guidance of Mr. O Brien.

After Christmas, we recorded our songs and now our CD is finally ready to be launched.

Breaking News!!

Our launch night is set to be a spectacular event with special guests and video messages from a variety of celebrities and stars.

As part of this great night, two classes from each of the school years will perform  and show off all their immense talent.

We wish to take this opportunity to commend all pupils for their participation, we also wish we had the room for all classes to perform on the night but we feel confident that the lucky classes will represent their peers extremely well.

We are hoping that as many of the school community can come on the night to share in this fantastic experience and the CD will be on sale on the night, or the following week from the school for only five euros per copy.

All parents of every pupil in the school are invited to attend and we would appreciate greatly if you could spread the word for us within the community.

Attached is a promo video  of the children performing  a taste of the songs recorded.

We hope you enjoy!

                                           Kind regards,

                                                      Ms. Brennan

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December Newsletter

Category : Blog

The students council have been hard at work this term. To round out the year they have put together a newsletter to highlight all that has been going on here in Holy Family Senior School.

Click here to download or read below


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School Chess Tournament

Category : Blog

Here are the links for this Wednesday’s tournaments @ 1.30pm:

Masters (5th and 6th):

Here are the links for this Wednesday’s tournaments @ 6.05pm:

Masters (5th and 6th):

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School Chess Tournament

Category : Blog

Here are the links for this Wednesday’s tournaments @ 1.30pm:

Masters (5th and 6th):

Here are the links for this Wednesday’s tournaments @ 6.05pm:

Masters (5th and 6th):

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School Chess Tournament

Category : Blog

Here are the links for this Wednesday’s tournaments @ 6.05pm:

Masters (5th and 6th):

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School Chess Tournament

Category : Blog

Wednesday the 6th of November, is the first online chess competition, for those who have joined the 6th class chess team, using the Lichess website.  The link for Wednesday’s competition is below. The tournament will run from 6pm and will finish by 7pm. 

Tournaments will take place on the following dates:

6th November at 6.05pm

13th November at 6.05pm

20th November 1.30pm (in school) and 6.05pm

27th November – Lá Fichille – 1.30pm (in school) and 6.05pm

Here is the link for this Wednesday’s tournament @ 6.05pm: