Holy Family Senior School were delighted to receive our first Green Flag for our work on reducing Litter and Waste in June 2021. Our school is very proud of its Green School Status. The Green Flag is a symbol of the efforts our school community is making to create a sustainable future for all.
The hard work taking place was also highlighted in this Laois Today article.
The Green Schools Programme is an international scheme to encourage and promote eco-friendly actions in schools. It raises awareness of environmental issues in classrooms and across the school community and encourages children to take the lead in reviewing existing practices, deciding a plan for change, implementing a new plan, implementing a new plan and checking its progress.
1. The Committee
This year the approach to the Green Schools committee is a little different as per advice from An Taisce. the Committee is being rotated using different classrooms throughout the year. Different classrooms are taking responsibility for different actions. We take our environmental work very seriously and even the smallest efforts can go a long way in helping our environment and in promoting a sustainable future for everyone.
This year’s theme is water and the committee members are busy working towards achieving that flag. The committee are raising awareness around water conservation. It takes a huge amount of work and dedication and the Green School Committee deserve enormous recognition for their determination and success.
2.Environmental Review
The committee completed a review to identify the initial position within the school regarding the environmental theme of water.
Water Audit
One of the classes monitored the water meter and worked out the school usage of water.
Water Use Survey
The committee counted the number of taps, toilets, radiators, dishwashers, washing machine and other water points in the school. All of these water points were then marked on a map for each floor in the school.
Leak Tests
All water points were checked for leaks. We found that various cisterns and taps were dripping/leaking. The caretaker was informed immediately and were fixed.
Surveys were completed by parents and students in order to gauge the general awareness of water conservation. We are pleased to announce that the response and awareness was extremely high.
3. Action Plan
An action plan was devised and shared with the school on the Green-Schools noticeboard. Our aim is to raise awareness within the school and local community to save water in school and at home. We hope in doing so to reduce water consumption within the school. We will also continue to reduce litter and waste in the Holy Family Senior School.
Committee Work
Water Mascot – Raindrop Bill
Raindrop Bill is introduced to the HFSS and placed at all water points in the school.
School Actions
Turn it Off Campaign was Launched

National Spring Clean 2022

Walk for Water

Green Schools Water Poster Competition 2022

4. Monitoring and Evaluation
Constant monitoring of the programme ensures that progress towards targets is continuous, amendments are made where necessary and all successes are celebrated. We will carry out a follow-up School Water Audit exactly a year after the first.
UPDATE: a follow up water audit took place and HFSS has reduced water consumption by 4L per person per day.
5. Curriculum Work
A huge amount of work has been completed by each class as water is integrated into our daily lessons

6. Informing and Involving
The school’s social media and website keeps the school and wider community involved and informed through displays, school announcements, assemblies and photographs.
You can see a report of our Water Day activities in this Laois Today article.
7. Green Code
Don’t let water go to waste, to keep the Earth a lovely place.
Finally, some wise words from our committee.
Be Water Wise!
- Be a leak detective! If you see a leaky tap or toilet, fix it!
- Shower power! How quick can you take a shower? Take a short shower instead of a bath.
- Turn off the tap! By just turning off the tap when brushing your teeth, washing your hands or even washing fruit and vegetables, you save gallons of water.
- Reuse to reduce. Reuse your towel after a shower. As your body is clean after taking a shower, well then so is your towel. Hang it up to dry and reuse it for your next shower.
- Collect rainwater outside to water your plants and choose to water them in the morning as the weather is cooler and this will prevent water evaporation.
- Fill the sink up with water when washing the dishes.
- Make sure the dishwasher and washing machine is full before you turn them on.
- Use a bucket and sponge when washing the car or your bike.